Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer


  1. [HW: Multi-Pak Interface]
  2. [HW: Speech-Sound Pak] [I]
  3. 7 Card Stud
  4. Alphabet Zoo
  5. A Mazing World Of Malcom Mortar
  6. Androne [I]
  7. Arkanoid [I]
  8. Art Gallery
  9. Atom [I]
  10. Audio Spectrum Analyzer [I]
  11. Backgammon
  12. Bomb Threat (hobbyist: Retro Thinker) [I,B]
  13. Bustout [I]
  14. Canyon Climber [I]
  15. Castle Guard [I]
  16. Castle Of Tharrogad [I]
  17. Checkers
  18. Chess [I]
  19. Clowns & Balloons
  20. Coco Max
  21. Color Baseball [I]
  22. Color Cubes [I,O]
  23. Color File [I]
  24. Color File II
  25. Color Logo
  26. Color Scripsit
  27. Color Scripsit II [I]
  28. Demolition Derby
  29. Demon Attack [typed label]
  30. Diagnostics [I,B]
  31. Dino Wars [bad label] [I]
  32. Don Pan [I]
  33. Doubleback [I]
  34. Downland [I]
  35. Dragonfire
  36. Dungeons Of Daggorath [I]
  37. Edtasm+
  38. Facemaker
  39. Flood It! (hobbyist: Retro Thinker) [I,B]
  40. Football [I]
  41. Galactic Attack [I]
  42. GFL Championship Football II
  43. Gin Champion [I]
  44. Gomoku/Renju
  45. Graphic Pak
  46. Handyman [I]
  47. Kids On Keys
  48. Math Bingo
  49. Math Tutor [I]
  50. Mega-Bug [I]
  51. Microbes [I]
  52. Micro Painter
  53. Mind Roll [I]
  54. Monster Maze
  55. Panic Button
  56. Personal Finance [I]
  57. Personal Finance II
  58. Pinball [I]
  59. Polaris [I]
  60. Poltergeist [I]
  61. Popcorn [I]
  62. Predator [I]
  63. Project Nebula [I]
  64. Quasar Commander [I]
  65. Rad Warrior
  66. Rampage [I]
  67. Reactoid [I]
  68. Robocop
  69. Robot Battle [I]
  70. Roman Checkers [I]
  71. Shanghai [I]
  72. Shooting Gallery [I]
  73. Silpheed
  74. Skiing [I]
  75. Slay The Nereis
  76. Soko-Ban
  77. Space Assault [I]
  78. Spectaculator [I]
  79. Spidercide [I]
  80. Springster [I]
  81. Starblaze [I]
  82. Stellar Lifeline [I]
  83. Super Logo
  84. Super Pitfall
  85. Temple Of Rom
  86. Tennis [I]
  87. Tetris
  88. Thexder
  89. Type Mate [I]
  90. Typing Tutor [I]
  91. Videotex
  92. Wildcatting [I]
