A Page Of Haiku

Haiku are splendid and I suspect that is why Liss bade us write them

From Liss

"One inspired from our kitty, Dillweed"

Indignant blue jays
Squawk and swoop from low branches;
A cat on the prowl.

From Dan

"it's been on my mind lately"

summer is sleeping
winter is dragging its feet
i don't mind at all

From Lee

"Since I'm at work, here's one to relate how my morning has gone"

No more Excel please,
Enter the data for hours.
OH NO! The blue screen.

Russ's response to Lee

Sad operator...
Learn an important lesson:
"Save early, often"

From Nate

Lightning courses through
Nine irons with relative ease;
Golfing in the rain.

From Dean

the sun slowly sets
on the end of this year's dream
and yet it is dawn

From Russ

"I just can't play by the rules even when I'm playing by the rules"

Haiku, huh? Well...
What were we talking about?
Short attention span?

From Shannon

"I just got back from my brother's daughter's high school graduation party (do you guys remember when Tiffany was born freshman year!?!?)"

A niece graduates
Eighteen years flow like water
Rapidly downstream

From Dave

"I coo, you coo, we all coo for haiku!"

Outside the window
City lights, neon beckons
In my heart, content

From Russ

(inspired by an email from Dean)

Thoughts of the cottage...
And how old friends, with cheap beer,
Play Cocoa Crunchies

Russ Perry Jr